Even surgeons who perform cosmetic foot procedures say that above everything else, the proper workings of the foot must be preserved or a doctor could do lifelong harm to a patient. 甚至做脚部美容手术的医生也承认,其他的姑且不谈,必须保护脚的正常功能,医生可能对患者造成医生的伤害。
Teddy hurt his foot and was taken to the doctor. 弄伤了他的脚,被送到了医生那儿。
Head-to-wind, warm; the foot of the Wind, please doctor. 头对风,暖烘烘;脚对风,请郎中。
They lingered a moment at the foot of Doctor Sloper's white marble steps. 他们在斯洛泼医生家白色大理石台阶前又踯躅了一会儿。
Jake had a corn on his foot, so the doctor had to cut it off. 杰克脚上长个鸡眼,因此医生必须将它切除。
On these few steps of his dangerous way, Charles Darnay had set his foot according to Doctor Manette's reiterated instructions. 查尔斯-达尔内按照曼内特医生一再嘱咐的路子踩着这危险路上的每一步。